۱۳۸۷ مرداد ۱۹, شنبه

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The value of time
To realize
The value of a sisterAsk someoneWho doesn't have one.
To realizeThe value of ten years:Ask a newlyDivorced couple.
To realizeThe value of one year:Ask a student whoHas failed a final exam.
To realizeThe value of nine months:Ask a mother who gave birth to a still born.
To realizeThe value of one month:Ask a motherwho has given birth toA premature baby.
To realizeThe value of one week:Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realizeThe value of one hour:Ask the lovers who are waiting to Meet..
To realizeThe value of one minute:Ask a personWho has missed the train, bus or plane.
To realizeThe value of one-second:Ask a personWho has survived an accident...
To! realizeThe value of one millisecond:Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics
To realize the value of a friend:Lose one.
Time waits for no one.Treasure every moment you have.You will treasure it even more whenyou can share it with someone special.Live life to the fullest
منبع: http://www.kanganenglishgroup.blogfa.com/

۱۳۸۷ مرداد ۱۸, جمعه

You’ll easily build a powerful and impressive vocabulary that

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Grants you instant respect and credibility - When you learning your Ultimate Words and you’ll notice that people will start to pay attention to you - and begin to follow your lead.
Boosts your career - Superiors will immediately assume that you are more competent than your peers. Guess who's going to come to mind for a promotion this month?
Improves your communication - No more letting your career and life suffer because of "bad communication skills". Impress people with your language and make every word count.
Improves your writing - Create the right impression with your emails and letters.
Makes getting top grades at school or college EASY - You'll be writing so well that your teachers might even think you are cheating!
Grows your confidence with words and conversation - No more stuttering and fumbling for the right word. Make your point – boldly and clearly – without losing everyone’s interest!
Makes others notice your articulate language - When you speak, you will literally stop people in their tracks and MAKE them pay attention.
Improves your score in tests such as IQ tests, SAT, GMAT, and GRE - You'll be confident that you are equipped with the advanced vocabulary required to succeed in these tests.
Improves your spelling - When your emails are full of spelling mistakes, people judge you as un-educated… and may even assume you have a low-IQ. Ultimate Vocabulary puts a stop to this common career mistake.
Equips you to easily express your ideas - Having the right words to express your ideas effectively will make all the difference in getting your point across.
Empowers you with advanced reading and comprehension skills - No more missing the author's point because you don't understand their language. You'll finally be able to understand the words and concepts in everything you read.
Improves opportunities for promotion and career progression - It's proven by numerous studies (see above for examples) that a good vocabulary is a strong predictor of career success. Having this knowledge will give you a distinct edge over your competition. :
Grants you instant respect and credibility - When you learning your Ultimate Words and you’ll notice that people will start to pay attention to you - and begin to follow your lead.
Boosts your career - Superiors will immediately assume that you are more competent than your peers. Guess who's going to come to mind for a promotion this month?
Improves your communication - No more letting your career and life suffer because of "bad communication skills". Impress people with your language and make every word count.
Improves your writing - Create the right impression with your emails and letters.
Makes getting top grades at school or college EASY - You'll be writing so well that your teachers might even think you are cheating!
Grows your confidence with words and conversation - No more stuttering and fumbling for the right word. Make your point – boldly and clearly – without losing everyone’s interest!
Makes others notice your articulate language - When you speak, you will literally stop people in their tracks and MAKE them pay attention.
Improves your score in tests such as IQ tests, SAT, GMAT, and GRE - You'll be confident that you are equipped with the advanced vocabulary required to succeed in these tests.
Improves your spelling - When your emails are full of spelling mistakes, people judge you as un-educated… and may even assume you have a low-IQ. Ultimate Vocabulary puts a stop to this common career mistake.
Equips you to easily express your ideas - Having the right words to express your ideas effectively will make all the difference in getting your point across.
Empowers you with advanced reading and comprehension skills - No more missing the author's point because you don't understand their language. You'll finally be able to understand the words and concepts in everything you read.
Improves opportunities for promotion and career progression - It's proven by numerous studies (see above for examples) that a good vocabulary is a strong predictor of career success. Having this knowledge will give you a distinct edge over your competition.

How to find English idioms that aren’t in the dictionary

How to find English idioms that aren’t in the dictionary

Idioms are notoriously difficult for non-native speakers, because they usually don’t make sense if you translate them word for word. For example, the idiom “to kick the bucket” has nothing to do with buckets and everything to do with dying. Most learners are eager to learn about idioms because native speakers use them so frequently. So understanding idioms is important for understanding native speakers, and for sounding more native-like yourself!
If you are reading or listening to B@E, you are probably already and independent learner of English who is used to looking up idioms in your dictionary. If you’re really keen, you might even have a special dictionary of idioms. Dictionaries are indispensable tools for learning the meaning of idiomatic words and phrases. But they are not perfect: we’ve all experienced the frustration of discovering that the idiom we’re looking just isn’t in our dictionary. Luckily, there is a simple trick for finding idioms on the Internet. Here is how you do it:
Idioms are notoriously difficult for non-native speakers, because they usually don’t make sense if you translate them word for word. For example, the idiom “to kick the bucket” has nothing to do with buckets and everything to do with dying. Most learners are eager to learn about idioms because native speakers use them so frequently. So understanding idioms is important for understanding native speakers, and for sounding more native-like yourself!
If you are reading or listening to B@E, you are probably already and independent learner of English who is used to looking up idioms in your dictionary. If you’re really keen, you might even have a special dictionary of idioms. Dictionaries are indispensable tools for learning the meaning of idiomatic words and phrases. But they are not perfect: we’ve all experienced the frustration of discovering that the idiom we’re looking just isn’t in our dictionary. Luckily, there is a simple trick for finding idioms on the Internet. Here is how you do it:

مکالمات روزمره در محاورات پزشکی ( بخش اول )

مکالمات روزمره در محاورات پزشکی 140 جمله
نوشته اين قسمت اختصاص دارد به مكالمات روزمره با اين تفاوت كه اين مكالمات فقط در محدوده محيطهاي پزشكي و رفتن به دكتر و امثال آن است اهميت اينگونه مكالمات براي كساني كه در كشورهاي خارجي زندگي ميكنند پوشيده نيست.
اميدوارم برايتان قابل استفاده باشد.

لطفا نظرتان را در مورد اينگونه مكالمات كه در خصوص يك محيط خاص است بيان كنيد.

1- ميخواهم وقت بگيرم

I would like to make an appointment.

2- اين علائم را پيش از اين هم داشته ام.

I had these symptoms before.

3- نسبت به پني سيلين حساسيت دارم

I am allergic to penicillin

4- به نوار چسب (چسب زخم) حساست دارم.

I am allergic to adhesive plaster.

5- حق ويزيت چقدر است؟

What are the fees?

6- تشخيص بيماري چيست؟ آيا جدي است؟

What is the diagnostic? Is it serious?

7- هر چند وقت بايد پانسمان را عوض كنم؟

How often do I need to change the dressing.

8- كي بايد براي معاينه مجدد باز گردم؟

When do I return for checkups?

9- چگونه بايد اين دارو را بخورم؟

How do I take this medication?

10- چه مدت بايد اين درمان را ادامه دهم؟

How long I should follow this treatment?

11- آيا بايد وقت مجدد بگيرم؟

Do I have to make another appointment?

12- ممكن است خانواده من را مطلع سازيد (مثلا بعد از بستري شدن).

Can you please contact my family?

13- آيا درد داريد؟

Are you in pain?

14- آيا براي اين حالت پيش از اين درمان شده ايد.

Have you been treated for this condition before?

15- آيا امروز اجابت مزاج داشته ايد؟

Have you had a bowel movement?

16- آيا بيماري فشار خون داريد؟

Do you have high blood pressure?

17- آيا براي اين بيماري عكس هم گرفته ايد؟

Have you ever had an X-ray for this disease?

18- براي (ارائه به) بيمه به گواهي پزشكي نياز دارم.

I need a medical certification for insurance.

19- بايد از خونتان نمونه برداري كنيد.

You need to take a blood sample.

20- بايد آمپول بزنيد.

You need to get an injection.

21- بگذاريد درجه حرارتان را بگيرم.

Let me take your temperature.

22- بگذاريد نبضتان را بگيرم.

Let me take your puls.

23- بايد پزشك متخصص قلب شما را معاينه كند.

You need to be checked by a heart specialist.

24- لطفا اين فرم پذيرش را پر كنيد.

Please fill out this admission form.

25- اين دستوراتي است كه بعد از ترخيص بايد مراعات كنيد.

Here are the instructions you need to follow after your discharge.

26- بدون اينكه پرستار را مطلع كنيد نبايد از تختتان بلند شويد.

You must not leave your bed without informing the nurse.

27- شركت بيمه درماني شما كدام است.

What health insurance do you have?

28- كدام يك از اعضاء خانواده شما به اين بيماري مبتلا هستند.

Which of your family member are infected with this disease?

29- در سوابق خانوادگي شما آيا بيماري ارثي اي وجود دارد.

Do you have a genetic disease in youe family history?

30- اين يك بيماري انگلي است.

This is a parasitic disease.